Natasha Minnikin
Natasha joined the Royal Air Force in 2006 and currently teaches NLP training courses to Service personnel. She thoroughly enjoys her time in the military; however, her career was threatened soon after commissioning having been involved in a serious car accident, leaving her with the prognosis that she would never walk unaided again. Having spent two years in rehabilitation re-learning how to walk, exercise and then ultimately pass the military fitness test she can safely say she’s practised first-hand the rollercoaster of emotions that come with failure, as well as focus. This experience led her to study neurology, specialising in acquired brain injury, and helping others with their neurological damage while working alongside the NHS and the charity ARNI (Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury).
Natasha’s Vision: “I’ve always been fascinated with the mind; how easily we can all flip between feeling incredibly strong and empowered to painfully self-critical and fragile. In particular, how some injuries, physical or emotional, can have sustained and long-term effects on our confidence and beliefs, and how some people struggle to overcome such challenges, while others thrive. This I found especially intriguing considering that our ‘hardware’ is, in the most part, the same for everyone”.
Being able to help others learn about the brain; the hardware, the software, and how to help rewire it, is at the core of Natasha’s passion; helping you feel empowered and in control of your thoughts, feeling and behaviours, regardless of what life throws at you.